Friday, July 1, 2011

The Disobedient Daughter

I know, two posts in two days. Amazing. Don't get used to it. Also as long as I am running off topic here let me add that these thoughts are by no means me thinking I have the answers but rather I am processing a lot of questions. Feel free to comment and respond if you have any insight for your own life experience or study in scripture.

Back to topic...The Disobedient Daughter.

Obedience seems so simple when I am asking my children to do something but it seems a lot trickier when I am the child and God is asking me to do something. A few months ago I was really struggling with obedience to God. I clearly knew what he wanted me to do and I repeatedly disobeyed. During this time I really struggled with doubt. Not doubt in God or in my faith but doubt that my God would continue to love me as I failed to obey.

One day in the midst of this on going struggle, I had a special surprise outing planned for my four year old daughter. I was so excited and an hour before we were supposed to leave she decided to dig in her heals and defy me at every turn. I was so frustrated. Couldn't she see that I had her best interest at heart and if she chose to obey I wanted to do so much for her.

It hit me. My daughters actions don't effect my love for her. There is nothing she could do to make me love her less. However, I can do so much more for her when she chooses to obey. My disobedience won't change God's love for me but I may miss out on something special He wants to do for me.

Like a loving parent, God really does have our best in mind. Like a stubborn four-year-old, I occasionally fight those instructions.

Lord, help me to deny my selfish will of putting myself first and submit my heart and will to You, my loving Heavenly Father.