Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Where can I find REAL rest?

(This is bit of a tag on from the last post but it has a different point - also the previous one was actually from yesterday just slow to post it. Oh well.)

As a stay at home mom, I try to remember that cleaning the house, laundry, meals, diaper changes, etc. are more than mundane daily tasks. They are chances to serve my family. However, exhaustion of the day sets in and I just need a rest. But therein lies the problem. I need a rest and so I pursue escape. Up until recently I had thought they were the same. But the truth is, when I watch too much movies, TV, read fiction, or facebook, I don't feel rested, I feel lethargic. For me lethargic doesn't make me want to be productive or sleep. Just Blah.

SO...Am I saying that I am ready to rid my life of these forever. Are you kidding? I love a good story and I will always love a good story. I am counting the days until I can check the dollar theater again. My cousin Rebekah one encouraged me to STOP before I make a decision and think about it before I make it. That can be said for so many areas but here I see it hold so true. STOP. Am I going to watch this because I want to enjoy a good story or am I watching this to escape because I want a rest. If it is the second, perhaps I should seek the only One that can give real rest.


  1. I love it again - keep pursuing this Tari; such truth about Jesus being the real resting place. Oh, it's so true; I can go back to sleep again when I'm struggling at night sometimes if I can just find that place of resting in Him. And, I want to encourage you with the no entertainment (as we haven't had a TV for years) - don't be afraid of boredom as you're finding the best way to spend your time. I have found some of the richest family moments come out of the space carved in life, waiting on the Lord's leading, that we call "boredom" - so special. Don't be afraid to wait on Him and begin learning to let Him direct your each step. This is a beautiful thing Tari. The Israelites had to go through the wilderness time to be prepared to handle the Promised Land - they weren't growing their own food or working for their livelihood much. It was all about learning who God was and to trust Him, so that, when they got into the land,they could obey,trust, and be able to stay there.

  2. Great truths. Stay the path, Tari. I like Rebekah's insight on the wilerness time. Something to ponder today :).
