Wednesday, August 31, 2011

With Jesus in the Boat

Did you ever sing that song as a child. Or if you are like me you have sung it often with your kids as you tuck them in at night. If you don't know it the complete phrase is "With Jesus in the boat, you can smile at the storm." I wouldn't say I have had a storm in my life lately but there has definitely been a lot of wind and a few waves. The wind hasn't let up and I am not sure when it will, but in all the times I have faced life's stresses this one stands out. It is different.

Normally when life throws a huge challenge our way, I stress, I fret, I worry until I figure a solution or finally reluctantly wait to see what God will do. This time I feel as if i am looking at the storm holding God's hand waiting to see what he'll do. Anxious to see his miracles and mercies. So why is is different? I have been following God for 30 years. Why is it different now? All I can guess is that as I have risen and invited Jesus in my boat daily it has made all the difference.

So, let the wind blow. My God is big enough.

With Jesus in the boat, I can smile at the storm.
Smile at the storm.
Smile at the storm.
With Jesus in the boat, I can smile at the storm.
As I am sailing home!

Lord - Help me never be content again with a life with You on the shore. Remind me to daily invite you into my boat that I will only face storms or calm with You at my side.

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